
Der Himmel über Berlin 1987 (Wings of Desire, 베를린 천사의 시)

I got this movie long times ago, but I didn't play it. I watched City of Angle with full of emotion, and then figured out this dutch movie is the original of this American movie.

Black and white mixed with vivid colors, BGM of strings and long shots made this movie special I think. The main character, the Angel lives(?) on the earth and top of the people's figure. He hears minds of mankind,though he can't feel of touch to them.
The mankind lives in an anguish. They aren't satisfied everything, but worries about one's life.
The Angel is a translator for the others' mind and ours to the audience.

One moment, this Angle comes to find an beautiful woman in an circus. This woman worries about her future, and desires of the resason of exsistence; love.
This question isn't for this character, but for us.
Why do we live on the earth?
Where are we head to?

This questions stabs into the Angel's mind. When he met the actor who once was the Angel, he decided to throw himself to this world fulled of limited time and death.

Now the Angel is on the real figure of flesh. He can sense everthing with his five senses. He get his own life leaded by his willing.
The world isn't Heaven but he starts to like his new life. He meets the beautiful woman in the circus. The woman notices him as her soul mate, and they decide to lead the world.

This movie is the movie I want to make . This movie tells us about the existence of life, the purpose of our existence.
It doesn't let us know the answer but cheers us up to do figure out by ourselves.

*Most of the scenes are on B/W and I think it's the way to describe it is the POV of the angel who isn't in this world. Otherwise, scenes of colors are on this world with human's POV.

I  saw a dreary scenery of the old Berlin, and B/W makes it outstandingly. Meanwhile the colors gives us the hopes from this dreary city, painting a color on the GREY CANVAS.

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